Friday, July 2, 2010

Who are we?

So many questions arise when trying to define our congregation. Especially, as we have chosen to identify ourselves as a “One New Man” congregation. We have an article that describes our understanding of the “One New Man” here. (place link)

Are we a Synagogue?

Are we a Temple?

Are we a Messianic Synagogue?

Are we Jews for Jesus?

Some might even ask if we are a Church?

First, let us tell you what we are not. We are not a Church? We are not a Jewish Church, and we are not Hebrew Christians. The best way to emphasize the differences is with a list of the practices found in a Messianic congregation, and at Beth Tefillah that differs with the practices of your local Central Florida Church.

• Messianic Congregations recognize some of the traditional Jewish holidays such as Purim and Chanukah, the ninth of Av and the Ten Days of Awe.

• Messianic Congregations observe the biblical feasts such as the Feasts of Trumpets, Sukkot (Tabernacles) and Passover.

• Messianic Congregations observe the Biblical Sabbath, i.e., Friday evening till Saturday.

• Messianic Congregations chant the Sh'ma, the Kiddush, Aaronic benediction, Etz Chaim, and many other parts of traditional Jewish liturgy.

• Messianic Congregations say Kaddish (Mourner’s Prayer) for those who have passed on.

• Messianic Congregations chant the Torah portion in Hebrew at worship services.

• Messianic Congregations Bar Mitzvah their sons and Bat Mitzvah their daughters.

• Messianic teaching is mainly from the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), although references to the B'rit Chadasha (New Covenant) are not unusual.

• Messianic Congregations emphasize the special relationship between G-d and the Jewish people.

• Messianic Congregations emphasizes Jewish traditions that do not conflict with the Bible.

• Messianic Congregations understand that G-d never changed the way to obtain salvation: "And Abraham believed G-d and it was credited to him [Abraham] as righteousness." The purpose of following the Torah (often mistranslated "Law", but literally, "teaching") always has been to live holy, not to obtain salvation.

• Messianic Congregations assert that the Torah (literally, "teaching") is still in effect (as modified by Yeshua).

• Messianic Congregations teach the biblical doctrine that salvation is a free gift from G-d, by faith in the atoning work of His Messiah.

• Messianic Congregations only mikveh (immerse) those who have accepted Messiah (no infant baptism) and baptize by immersion only (no sprinkling or pouring).

We are also not Jews for Jesus. This is an evangelical organization that would better be described as Hebrew Christian. For the most part, while they seek to lead Jewish people to the knowledge of Messiah, they are more comfortable with these people assimilating into Christianity. We at Beth Tefillah believe that Jewish people in Clermont and the Central Florida area who are believers in Y’shua (Yeshua/Jesus) should worship within the context of Judaism.

While Beth Tefillah might also resemble the traditional Messianic synagogue, there are some differences. We do not make a distinction between our Jewish and Gentile members. Mainstream Messianic Judaism today still sees separate callings and requirements for Jews and do not believe these same calling and requirements are expected of their Gentile members. We see G-D making no distinction between people throughout the scriptures, instead we always see G-D telling the Israelites that there is to be one law for both the natural born and the foreigner.

We emphasize the observance of Torah for both Jew and Gentile, not for salvation, but as G-D’s prescription for a holy life.

Our teaching is often described by several different terms. We are said to be teaching:

• Jewish roots of the Christian faith

• Hebrew roots

• Hebraic roots

All of our teachings are meant to bring the Hebraic perspective of the scriptures and to uncover the truth of who the Jewish Messiah is. His name is Y’shua (Yeshua/Jesus) and He is the Mashiach (Messiah), long awaited by the Jewish people.

We see so many people who are hungry for G-D’s word returning to the foundations of their faith. We at Beth Tefillah want to be a resource to equip you and send you forth with the truth.

If this describes you, come visit us. We meet every Shabbat at the Holiday Inn Express, conveniently located on South Hwy 27 in Clermont, Florida. Clermont is located in Lake County, which is the largest growing County in Central Florida.

We hope to see you soon.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!

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